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Power of typeof & typestyle in react apps

Artur Czemiel


Power of typeof & typestyle in react apps

Have you ever heard of typestyle? No? It is a great no-webpack styling solutions. In my life I tried almost everything possible:

  • pure CSS
  • SCSS
  • SASS
  • CSS modules
  • CSS Next
  • inline react styles
  • typestyle

Most of solutions are bundled with webpack which means if you want to write library which have extendable replacable styles included you mustn't use webpack! So automatically you need to disqualificate these solutions:

  • CSS Next
  • CSS modules
  • SCSS
  • SASS
  • pure CSS

So lets take a closer look on these:

  • inline react styles
  • typestyle

Inline react styles are nice but producing spaghetti code

import * as React from 'react'
export const MyInlineComponent = ({ children, style }) => (
      fontSize: 15,

Moreover you cannot include media and hover directives. Using onmouseover is ugly though and you need state to control that.

Lets try with typestyle then

import * as React from 'react'
import { style, classes, media } from 'typestyle'

export const MyComponentStyle = style(
    fontSize: 15,
    $nest: {
      '&:hover': {
        fontSize: 18,
  media({ maxWidth: 480 }, { fontSize: 10 })

// Extending the style

const MyNewStyle = classes(
    color: '#0ae',

export const MyStyledComponent = ({ children, style = '' }) => (
  <div className={classes(MyNewStyle, style)}>{children}</div>

Looks great yeah? It is high time for advanced programmers style solution. Imagine a component which have more styles. I will write styles in separate file for this solution


import { style } from 'typestyle'

export const Title = style({
  fontSize: 18,
export const SubTitle = style({
  fontSize: 18,
export const ImageSize = style({
  width: 20,
  height: 20,


import * as React from 'react'
import * as styles from './styles'

export const MyStyledComponent = ({
  overrideStyles = {},
}: {
  overrideStyles: typeof styles
}) => {
  const componentStyles = {
  return (
      <div className={componentStyles.Title}>Hello</div>
      <div className={componentStyles.SubTitle}>World</div>


import * as React from "react";
import { style } from "typestyle";
import { MyStyledComponent } from "./component";

const Page = () => (
        Title: style({
          color: "#00F"

Voila you can use the component and override its styles with full intelisense!! Just by using typeof on the module.

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